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The only answer, was the only reason.


You're at http://redefining-freedom.blogspot.com/.
I'm TIM, avid gamer.
Treat me Nice, I'll treat you Nicer.


Everyday's story
Flipped those Pages: April 2009 May 2009 December 2009 January 2010 May 2011

Date posted: Monday, May 30, 2011;
Time started: 9:52 PM
Posted by: TIM!


Honestly, I have no idea if we will last. I'd want to tell you we'll last forever. But I actually dare not even mention forever. Eternity? I'm probably insane.

I'm pretty glad we've made things clear haha. It does take two hands to clap. Same thing applies here. I'm sure we'll make this last :)

27/05/2011. <3

Date posted: Friday, January 8, 2010;
Time started: 5:49 PM
Posted by: TIM!

Tim's blog is rotting like mad, so being very good friend.
anyways, tim is sucha sohai because he rarely talks to me on msn now.
I should not help him change his blogskins already.
Or help him repair his very-distorted tagbox.
He shall grow chicken breast while playing/training his o2jam.

Okie Dokie. BYEBYE LOL.

Date posted: Saturday, January 2, 2010;
Time started: 11:46 PM
Posted by: TIM!

HI!! I sleptover at my uncle's house. Had a great time with my cousins :D. I was like 2hours ... EARLY............... LOL. When I reached we started playing cards, not knowing glen was at home. Then aunty vicky played the ugly truth, we watched that show until it started becoming too crude so we stopped and changed to some emo crap animated show. The ambience was like totally ruined by josh and debbie's thrashtalk LOL so no crying. German bridge + 500 until dinner @ vivo jpot. steamboat ah! LOL we like spam the sauces. then squeeeze lots of fishcake into the soup. and wtf. zhong ji mi ma for vegetables. LOL. Went back for more german bridge :D. Played till 4 and the girls went to sleep. Before that ahma was like, cooking french toast for us. WTF. Totally stuffed them to glen and denise LOLOLOL. Slept on glen's bed but ended up waking up several times and migrating to the rock hard floor. TOTALLY NO LEG SPACE + FIDGET MOVEMENT. Woke up at 11 and then we.. played a few rounds of cards and ate our so called brunch.

continue blogging tomorrow. not in the moooood

Title: NO HI
Date posted: Monday, December 28, 2009;
Time started: 11:04 PM
Posted by: TIM!

HI I haven't been blogging lately BECAUSE... THERES PRACTICALLY NOTHING TO BLOG ABOUT!! So why not I take this opportunity to brag about my o2jam skeeelz and rant about my deteriorating dota skills.

O2jam : Passed alpha century III,
(plz utube this)to see how gay the songs are
[SHD]bride in dream,
phase 1 960 combo
red sign 16miss
earthquake 40miss
r3 24miss
death moon 1.1k combo
recollection 1.3k combo
astral 2.1k combo
identity full hp pass



Date posted: Friday, December 25, 2009;
Time started: 1:00 AM
Posted by: TIM!

HI!!!! I'VE FINALLY GOT OUT FROM THAT DREADED, GODFORSAKEN PLACE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ( like finally ). LOL and on top of that...... I GOT MY PAY! 2;p $270 in 9days. I'm gonna get a NEW MOUSE SOOOOOON. ALSO... I split 7-up on a customer yesterday :( Felt super guilty, wanted to give him complimentary ice-cream but like. WUT He's so cool by not blaming me for that 2;p So now i'm gonna just rot at home until I get my results(lol). THOUGH I AM LOOKING FORWARD TO OUR COUSIN OUTING LOLOLOL. 500? =p

Date posted: Tuesday, December 22, 2009;
Time started: 12:51 AM
Posted by: TIM!



TRIP TO GENTING!!! woke up at 5am(slept for 1hour only) .WTF bored die on the fking car. sleep sleep and sleep. reached genting around 12. When parking the car, we took like 1/2 hr to find parking lot. LOL got some retards go park and block the other cars from coming out. one car even park right infront of the "hey i'll tow your car away if u park here". Had lunch that costed $13RM per bowl subjected to service charge and gst ( wtf NOOB SERVICE + THE CIGARETTE SMOKE SUCKED ). Went to check in and slacked with cousins :D. Decided not to go for the outdoor theme park( WE FORESAW THAT IT WOULD RAIN , AND IT DID!! ). Browsed the indoor theme park for awhile and got free & easy time. Went to the arcade (fail). NO JUBEAT/DJMAX TECHNIKA/BEATMANIA wtf?!?!?!?!?!?! So we walked and walked and went to buy famous amos + a muffin(wtf $5). Before that we had kenny rogers for dinner. o0o0o0o0o0o so much like charlyT's. Enjoyed the weather and took a picture! ( WTF ITS IN MY PHONE BUT I CANT UPLOAD IT ). So we all went back to our hotels and PLAYED CARDS! (500). MY PARTNER WAS AMANDA ( OMG ELITE ) against joshua + denise. omg we were like on a superb winning streak and it got ended by a losing one. WTF MAN@@@@@@. Slept and got prepped up for the next day.


Had breakfast at old town. hazelnut white coffee was orsum. BUT THE NOODLES WERE JUST MAGGI WTF. So we finally checked out and headed for KL. Slept in the car(again) and got caressed by ahgong. wtf i feel so violated okay. We reached KL and our rooms were not ready so we had lunch first. CHINESE FOOOOOD! Tasty and reasonable prices. After we checked into our rooms and settled down we went to times square. Shopped and shopped and shopped. Bought a hoodie(RM45). NICEEEEEE~ Stopped at a MY SUPER STAR SHOP. Wtf deborah went gaga over er.... lee min ho? and denise with jaejoong. LOL after that i went to lanshop to play o2mania. nice keyboard + environment. played one song and bb :(. Went to have dinner @ AH DUCK( i think ). yummy stuff but noob service. Back to hotel and cards again till 2.


Buffet breakfast at the hotel. This is the lame day. After breakfast we went to Batu Caves. ( OMG NOOOB SHIET PLACE ). Full of indians + 273 steps to climb. After climbing to the top you find yourself in some vandalised place with random indian music playing with people praying in random temples built in there!??! Totally spoils the ambience and tranquility which rightfully should be there!? OK HAD COCONUTS AND BROUGHT AHGONG FOR BIRDNEST WHICH HE DRANK FINISH IN LIKE 1MIN. After that went to some noob resort for lunch @ the boulevard. Watched people play mini games and had some wannabe subway meal. Then it rained and i practically freeze dao max. Visited the FAIL JAPANESE tea house over there. TOTAL WASTE OF TIME OK! STILL HAVE TO CLIMB SOME DUMB SLOPE UP & DOWN. Went back to KL and had our dinner at some high class restaurant. NICE FOOD WITH NICER PRICES. Took a function room with KTV inside(wtf singing). Collected my specs and went back to hotel and after that we went to the lobby and had some lemon alcoholic drink. felt great cuz josh and amanda were like requesting songs to be sang which apparently none were. LOL. Went back to our rooms for more cards. Mum bought satay and we slept at 2(again).



Date posted: Wednesday, December 16, 2009;
Time started: 3:39 AM
Posted by: TIM!

TOLD THEM I'LL WORK UP TO 30TH DEC!!! LOL i'm so elated plz, and today was super slack. 2 meals in 6hours. LOL and the meals were the nicest so far, LMAO. SLACK DAY~ 12-6

Date posted: Tuesday, December 15, 2009;
Time started: 1:35 AM
Posted by: TIM!

cheebye customer with that 'oi cb u owe me money' tone. I so polite help her clear thing + serve things to her she still give me that kiam lui bin. fuking laobusi d!!
today not bad, break 3 glass cup and 1 bottle of red wine ( wtf $98 ). Then derrick pick up the broken glass and kena cut. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOB LOL. Then on the train home someone beside me talk so loud ( not i eavesdrop ok ). "犯法 d, 抽$100". wtf he say the 犯法 so many time and dman loud even though he cover his mouth. JOKE

Date posted: Monday, December 14, 2009;
Time started: 12:48 AM
Posted by: TIM!

o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o today got 1 sohai staff meeting. then eugene etc etc got praised. <<<<<< wtf?!?!?!?!? can you believe it?! LOL. Worked from 5-11 today. super busy during dinner time. cheebye manz, keep kena deesiao about the vegetarian thingy :(. 2 super funny things today. got customer who made reservation came with his friends. then the staff food was behind his table. he want take sample but i say no plz, its cold liao not nice. then he still take when i not looking(LOL). then after they finish eating, he went to say :" eat so much chicken, later will grow breasts." then his friend added on "no wonder it's called charly tits." fuck lah. LOLOLOLOL. then our last customer of the day had to be gay. wth. 2 guys eat outside then take photo of each other eating. then the accent "do u want me to slice this for u? :D" LOL cbcbcbcbcbcbcbcb

Date posted: Saturday, December 12, 2009;
Time started: 8:00 PM
Posted by: TIM!

Didn't post yesterday. Worked from 9am to 2pm then knockoff ^___^. Ate at BK for lunch with shinghou. LOLOL. I'm a pro at promoting our food. TOO PRO OR?!?!
Today work from 12-6. Then found out the boss go praise eugene(wtf???) and shaun. WTF BIASED SHIET. See them do good thing but see other ppl do bad thing. WALAO LOL. Waited for weiliang to knockoff and went to eat pancakez. Then on the train he did something dumb.... He smashed shinghou's phone (accidentally) on the train floor and everyone was STUNNED for 3sec. K bye ^_^ ohya. cheebye today got one customer came in for lunch. then is a fucking tiong bu. fucking cb idiot one. She left the place and few hours later she walked by our place with her friend, then I was outside advertising. Then she say damn loud 'ZHE LI DE DONG XI BU HAO CHI DE'. Fucking turnoff k. no wonder ppl hate tiong kok d. Got brain but function only in chinese and can't appreciate western food. dumbfuks

Date posted: Friday, December 11, 2009;
Time started: 12:09 AM
Posted by: TIM!

Our bosses keep observing the way we work. Stressful much?!?! Make me stand outside + give fliers for almost 6hours pls. Then the people keep looking at the ground, like as if got gold like that. damn retarded plz. then some idiots give the fk face like i owe them $$. o then at night got 1 chiobu come in. eugene was like WTF DAMN CHIO PLZ. then so eager serve her. kk bye.

Date posted: Thursday, December 10, 2009;
Time started: 12:29 AM
Posted by: TIM!

coooool. got one customer I pulled in praise me GOOD. wtf i felt so good please ^^
the fukface boss also praise me. NICE OR?? but wtf the other boss ask me : hey i am not a meat eater, what do u reccomend? then i told him chicken. then he repeat and i told him chicken soup. wtf to the max

Date posted: Tuesday, December 8, 2009;
Time started: 10:48 PM
Posted by: TIM!

WTF. 1st day of work and it initially was supposed to be from 9am to 2pm but instead I went with eugene at 8am and ended up knocking off at 9.40??!?! wtf. Dumb party. Dumb charlyT's. Dumb guests. Dumb customers. Dumb chefs. fuk my legs tired ttm bye.

ps: o ler sorry couldn't go ur bday thingy

Date posted: Sunday, December 6, 2009;
Time started: 7:38 PM
Posted by: TIM!

I managed to get the job. Waiter 4.50/hr. WTF freezing feet or? Starting work on tuesday.

Date posted: Saturday, December 5, 2009;
Time started: 3:56 AM
Posted by: TIM!

Job interview tomorrow? LOL. Cold feet ttm.

Title: Forever was just a blatant lie you wove.
Date posted: Thursday, December 3, 2009;
Time started: 8:38 PM
Posted by: TIM!

HI noobs. Finally reopened my blog yeah? thanks mama cum xmas tree? LOL. Anyway, I always make posts when I want to rant over some stuff. So here I am.

I do admit, I have flaws but I change for the better. I may have forgotten our 1 month anniversary( ever since we got married ). Yeah but when was that? The mid-phase of my o's. I may be poor ( wtf does this even matter? ) but I do still topup cash occasionally. So if you do want your cash back do tell me, I'd return it to you. Let's look at what idiocy have you committed then.

"CTKY" ( I even doubt that that's her real name ). So you may have countless pseudo names. Which exactly is real? Zoe, Claribel, Vivace, Kaiye. Pretty much explains why you change your IGN every now and then. 'I'm avoiding certain people..' First lie you ever wove.

Hah. 'Let's meet up after my O's with Ler okay!' "CTKY" Agrees almost without hesitation. But what exactly was in her mind? 'I have no intention of meeting them actually....' Second lie you wove. Even before the day you broke couple because of your "PERSONAL reasons" you could still tell me 'hey walao youuuuuu. Never wait for me to dye your hair.' Rubbish much?

Almost every single day when I login you approach me with the EXACT same words. "Dear, I'm very angry right now." or "Dear, I'm very sad now ): ." You keep giving me problems. How do you even want me to solve them? You keep changing your IGN every week for whatever reason you have ( so what if you're rich? ). You get jealous over trivial stuff ( you know it for yourself ). A good example would be getting all jealous over Ler.

Everytime when I afk you say you hate me. How do you even expect me to reply to that kinda sentence? All my replies are only retorted back by a "i hate youuu.". YOU how turning off is that? Seriously, grow up would you? I thought you were different. It turns out you're just pretty much the same from the lot of people. Did you even notice I didn't even once ask you for your photo? ( I never even cared how you looked unlike what most audi people do ). You probably pay no attention to such details. `Utter disappointment. ( LOOL Spa|dox )

You have countless ex-couples. I didn't even mind. You were my 4th audi couple and the most memorable one. The eternity thing? Just the third blatant lie you wove. Stop weaving these monstrocities would you? They do hurt, just that you're unaware of it. If you did notice I actually became inactive in audi to sorta give myself less headaches because you're just a BURDEN.

You give me quotes which you evidently feel otherwise. 'Staying awake because reality is sweeter than my dreams.' It's all rubbish. Ever since I got to know you, my phone credit(prepaid card) went skyhigh ( for me that is ). Using $50 in a month all thanks to your idiotic texts to me. All thanks to your idiotic phonecalls. Grow up yo. I told you I prioritise things. You were first on my priority list.

Maybe this was just way too much for a pixellated game. Way too much. I can't believe you actually removed me from audi too. I just can't. Here's your fourth lie. Claiming that you can't GO OUT/USE PHONE/USE COMPUTER/ ANYMORE. And so the day after that happened( you assesment ) you texted me. I was simply astonished by the "I bargained and they let me use my phone ^^" Fine, let this pass. So let's go on to the next lie; claiming you can't use your computer. Few days later, 'ZOE HAS COME ONLINE'. Wow, let me guess, you bargained again? 'My dad allows me to use my comp until 24th nov so I can chiong until worldstar :P' Whoa, who'd in nine hells believe that what you're telling is the truth? 28th nov. 'ZOE has come online' full of shit. Let me reiterate that. Full of complete CRAP.

If you can't commit then don't. I wouldn't mind at all. Not a single bit. But nah, all I got yesterday was a retarded text message from you. 'hey tim, i'm breaking ring due to personal reasons ._. sorry ):'. Nice, real nice.

kay rant over. bb

Date posted: Tuesday, May 26, 2009;
Time started: 8:01 PM
Posted by: TIM!

'O' chinese paper 1 & 2 in 6 days time. I am not prepared at all, yet I am overly confident about this subject. Do it once and do it well. I'm must get a distinction, after all the setbacks I've enconutered in Prelims 1. Failing 4 subjects out of 7, without an A accompanied by two C's.

Date posted: Monday, May 18, 2009;
Time started: 3:09 PM
Posted by: TIM!

ooooo. Sacrifices... have to be made. Under achieving, not putting in effort, not doing enough... These few lines drive me to my point, failure.

Date posted: Monday, May 11, 2009;
Time started: 3:14 PM
Posted by: TIM!


No motivation to study. @_@

Date posted: Monday, May 4, 2009;
Time started: 8:43 PM
Posted by: TIM!

yo, been rather busy lately. I've decided to dedicate this post to the parasites existent to this society. Yes, you're right. The people provocative to their so called excuse of a brain. Gangsters. How do you even spell these words?

I'd spell them as the E-P-I-T-O-M-E- -O-F- -F-A-I-L-U-R-E. Well, not just any one of those. The notorious ones who go gallivanting and sponging off their parent's blood money. I'm really irked by this person whom I shall not identify.

Their unflinching idiocy is a symptom of being a step closer to graduate from the diploma named 'gangsterism'. They think profanities and violence is an egress from any entangled situation they skirmish. They assume that IF they'd substantiate their self proclaimed 'POWER' with violence, will empower them with valor AMONGST their fair weathered friends.

I presume that these clusters of idiots are too dense to comprehend the word 'education', or either just plain nincompoops leading life a simpleton, with the mentality that their parents are able to furnish them with MONEY to sustain them until their deaths.

Then there are those who are born with a silver spoon. These wastrels are the ones that irk me even more. Traipsing around without an aim in life. Being unable to arbitrate their future.

Perhaps citation of these flagrant offenders strike fear into your minds. Rest assured, these people are aboslutely 'dethroned' upon singled out.

Well after ranting I feel much better. kthx

Date posted: Friday, May 1, 2009;
Time started: 10:54 PM
Posted by: TIM!


Given loads of homework. Physics, Geography, Chemistry, Chinese, A Math. All past year papers to be completed.


Complacency. Played the whole day as usual

Date posted: Wednesday, April 29, 2009;
Time started: 3:46 PM
Posted by: TIM!


Had my chinese paper. Was rather easy to be honest. Most of my answers were from the passage, just lifting.


Social Studies. I hope I can achieve a distinction. That'd be cool. Ate lunch and went home. Going to play now.

Date posted: Monday, April 27, 2009;
Time started: 8:36 PM
Posted by: TIM!

I've taken my English papers. Paper 1 - I chose the question 'Homesickness'. I actually said that I was a CEO on an overseas attachment to establish another branch. And I will start to reminiscence about Singapore. Paper 2 - 5 daunting words that I believe many do not know,

1) Preening
2) Gorging
3) Quintessential
4) Wanderlust
5) Supplication

I'm in love with Mrs Rajendra Santhra. Imbalanced paper she'd set. After that had Chinese Listening. Matthew is such a loser, blatantly copying Shaun's work. Going to inform my teacher tomorrow.

Date posted: Sunday, April 26, 2009;
Time started: 9:11 PM
Posted by: TIM!

I'm not a tad bit prepared for my preliminary examinations 1. I'm afraid.

Date posted: Saturday, April 25, 2009;
Time started: 11:26 PM
Posted by: TIM!


Went home and played all the way. :)


Went for chinese tuition and continued playing o_o FB2009! I'm afraid I'll fail epically.

Date posted: Thursday, April 23, 2009;
Time started: 10:08 PM
Posted by: TIM!

I'm rather lethargic right now. My mind is saturated with knowledge. Had lessons until 4, and continued with night study at 6 till 9. Quite a tiring day I would say.

Date posted: Wednesday, April 22, 2009;
Time started: 7:20 PM
Posted by: TIM!

We've got our results for SYF. A silver ((:

Date posted: Tuesday, April 21, 2009;
Time started: 3:36 PM
Posted by: TIM!

Students of classes 4-3 to 4-5 are having their workshop as of today. Hope they absorb tonnes of knowledge and at the same time have a time of their lives! Got back my E Math paper, 25/40. I've improved from the previous test. Hope I am able to maintain such consistency. After school went to KFC with Joel and Wei Lun. Chatted and went home. I'm having night study later, going to START revising on biology. God knows whether or not I'll pass..

Date posted: Monday, April 20, 2009;
Time started: 9:05 PM
Posted by: TIM!


I practically played the whole day. Had tuition and went through linear law.


Had PE. Got into standing broad jump group... But I finally passed :D. Followed by R&R and SS. Too tired to stay awake. Slacked while I could. Had A Math excel after school. Mrs Lim took over as Mdm Chong was ill. Hope she's alright! She touched on rate of change. Couldn't understand a tad of whatever nonsense she was spouting. Finally did my E Math test at around four. Pretty simple. Hope that's the case for 'O's.

Title: Sleep.
Date posted: Saturday, April 18, 2009;
Time started: 7:04 AM
Posted by: TIM!

Darn I missed a day of posting.


We were shown photographs of our past, especially the ones during the Adam Khoo's workshop. Practically everyone burst out in laughter. After that had Chinese oral. Screwed it up big time. I stammered and was dumbfounded when I realised the conversation was totally different. However I feel I spoke rather fluently for the reading aloud segment. Lastly had 2.4km run. Not that good but I still feel that I'm proud to attain 181 position. Rather tough feat for me when I was having stomach cramps. Thank god Daniel ran with me! Ate together with Kevin, Joel, Daniel and Seng Tong at S11 and went home straight to sleep, until today.


Going for Chemistry supplementary lessons until 11.30. After that I have to attend my chinese tuition at 2. Skipped last week's session. I am rather guilty...

Title: Final Day.
Date posted: Thursday, April 16, 2009;
Time started: 9:43 PM
Posted by: TIM!

Today is a really really touching day. Many of us cried and teared, all with emotions right from the bottom of our hearts. The most significant day of these 16 years of my life I've been living, 16/4/2009 9pm. I believe everyone had the hunger to confess and share their thoughts for their parents. Opportunities come by, and go with the wind. Grab your opportunity and you'll have your chance. I am really thankful for that particular moment, it is of utter importance for me and my family. It made us more bonded, more stronger. I finally confessed my love towards them, which I stopped doing so ever since primary 4 or so. My parents are imperative to me, I cannot afford to lose them. Do not take things for granted. I am serious about this. Certain people are unfortunate enough to lose one of their parents, whereby they miss him or her so much. However you, now are taking your parents for granted. Not bothering about what they say. Not caring about their health or whether they are happy. Small actions accumulated over time has great impact. I have my fighting spirit within me. I have both my angels supporting me in whatever I must do. I therefore say that I MUST live up to their expectations, and not only that, but ABOVE it. Words are cheap, prove it with actions. In no time to come, I will definitely get an A1 for both my mathematics. Regardless of Elementary Mathematics or Additional Mathematics. I MUST do well. I will not succumb to any fallbacks or failures, I will only treat them as LEARNING EXPERIENCES. I will get into a local University. This is my promise to you.

Title: Day 2
Date posted: Wednesday, April 15, 2009;
Time started: 9:39 PM
Posted by: TIM!

The day begins as usual, with Danny. Danny elaborated more on Super Memory. Your memory is what you relate your experiences with together with new things. For example, you relate a volcano with a guitar by sketching the picture in your mind, a guitar shaped volcano. Easily you can remember several things at a time, efficiently.

Next came the most heartlanding session of my life. Candice, our trainer began relating to us about her life. Ups and downs, living in poverty, her life was simply miserable. Some had already started crying. How arrogant she was, how unfillial she was. Continuing, something stimulated her emotions even more. Wen Hao sleeping. She reprimanded us passionately, because she cares. Soon after, she continues with an activity, whereby close to 90% of the people in the theatrette cried, even the guys - I'm serious. We realised how much our parents meant to us. We were then told to relate to the most unhappy experience in your life, the incident that critically affects you. She brought us through our hearts, together with our minds illuminated by our parents and our fighting spirit. Our fighting spirit is something which we lost in the midst of growing up. Remember the bright eyes when you were in Primary 1? Remember how much you would want to hold your parents hands and go shopping? However take a good look at now. You want to look cool. Now you want to go out with your friends. Now you reluctantly take a picture with your family, and willingly take pictures with your friends. The point is that you do not know that most parents actually keep their children's photographs in their small wallet, or a family photo. The truth remains that most of the time, the picture of you is actually when you were young. That is the closest that they could get to us. Imagine one day that you would lose your parents. Everything would go wrong, you would only have two choices. 1) Give up your own life or 2) Choose to lead an even better life. My lord, this experience simply will change you. That is, if you want to feel it rather than refusing the activity. Everyone was sobbing very loudly, I myself was one of them. Some did not cry, probably they were doing so in their hearts, putting up a strong front. I really take my hats off to Candice. Kudos to her!

After dinner, Andrea took over Candice. I think she was too trying her very best to do her job, putting up a strong front infront of us. Andrea was actually right behind us whilst we were crying. Reminiscencing the past is an incredible experience. Andrea hyped us up and started helping us on speed reading. It is an amazing process whereby you improve almost every single time you attempt! Time flew and the day ended. 12 hours felt like a breeze for me. Shan't elaborate any further, pretty much traumatised by today's crying.

Title: Day 1
Date posted: Tuesday, April 14, 2009;
Time started: 9:57 PM
Posted by: TIM!

The day commences on a good note, having Danny as our first trainer for the Adam Khoo's workshop. Followed by, Andrea, the second and finally, Candice, as our last trainer for the day. However tiring for 12 solid hours inside the theatrette, everyone - including me laughed our lungs out.

I am impressed by the way all of the trainers present themselves, each with a different style however the prominent trait they all possess is still their charisma, being able to capture our attention within a short span of time. It's evident what my goals are, to get into Mass Communications and further my studies either in a university or a foreign organisation. I feel motivated.

Title: English
Date posted: Monday, April 13, 2009;
Time started: 7:08 PM
Posted by: TIM!

Today was a stereotypical day of learning. Boredom Boredom Boredom. It's practically a silent killer.

Ran 2.4km during PE. Attained 52nd poisition! Had chemistry practical lesson and A-Maths excel.

After school went off to Raymond's house together with Daniel and Fionn. Semi-completed our English mini-project and had plentiful of joy and laughter. Fionn wanted to visit API's website, however it seemed that there was a virus, 'myfuckingpussy.com'. As you know, Raymond's internet connection isn't too stable. What really tickled us was when Fionn took over the computer, the internet connection died. So we kept on teasing her about how bringing a girl home is taboo. So now I'm home, preparing to start my gaming activities.

Title: Life goes by
Date posted: Sunday, April 12, 2009;
Time started: 4:58 PM
Posted by: TIM!

Another day full of gaming. I need to kick off this habit, especially if I want to get into Mass Communications. Argh.

Title: Ressurection
Date posted: ;
Time started: 2:12 AM
Posted by: TIM!

My blog's been revived. A new beginning marks the end of the past.